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GeoQuest at ZIMEC 2015 LusakaGeoQuest à ZIMEC 2015 Lusaka
GeoQuest will be at the Zambia Mining and Energy Conference and Exhibition - Lusaka 18th to 19th June 2015. Please come and visit our booth. For ...
GeoQuest at AZMEC’s Explorer’s Forum 2015GeoQuest au forum de l’explorateur de AZMEC 2015
GeoQuest will be at the Explorer's Forum 2015 hosted by AZMEC at the Intercontinental Hotel in Lusaka on 19 February 2015. For more information on the event visit the AZMEC website ...
GeoQuest at Mining Indaba 2015GeoQuest visit le Mining Indaba 2015
GeoQuest managing director Julian Green will be attending the Mining Indaba 2015 in Cape Town, South Africa, between 9-12th February 2015. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you would ...
GeoQuest at Mining Indaba 2014GeoQuest visit le Mining Indaba 2014
Julian Green & Tobias Posel will be attending the the Mining Indaba 2014 in Cape Town, South Africa, between 3rd-6th February 2014. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you would ...
GeoQuest at ZIMEC 2013 LusakaGeoQuest à ZIMEC 2013 Lusaka
GeoQuest will be at the Zambia Mining and Energy Conference and Exhibition - Lusaka 18th to 20th June 2013. Please come and visit our booth. For ...
GeoQuest Environment Department welcomes a new staff memberUn nouveau venu a Geoquest Environnement
The GeoQuest Environment department is pleased to welcome Miss Sitembiso Siwawa to the team. She has a Master of Science in Environmental Science from the University of the Western Cape ...
GeoQuest at Mining Indaba 2013GeoQuest visite le Mining Indaba 2013
Julian Green & Tobias Posel will be attending the Mining Indaba 2013 in Cape Town between 4th- 8th February on behalf of the GeoQuest Group. Please don’t hesitate to contact us ...
Dr Benjamin Warr invited to “Expert Dialogue on The Quality of Growth” in BangkokDr Benjamin Warr invité à Bangkok « Dialogue d’Expert sur la Qualité de Croissance »
Dr Benjamin Warr has been invited to attend the ESCAP-ESSD-EVS Expert Dialogue on The Quality of Growth, to be held in Bangkok, Thailand on the 13-18th November. He will be presenting ...
GeoQuest Environment develops new services applying geostatistics to the environment.GeoQuest Environnement développe de nouveaux services en utilisant la géostatistique à l’environnement
Geostatistics have long been used in the mining and mineral exploration industry to provide detailed resource estimates, however the geostatistical toolbox is just as useful for environmental studies, using data ...
GeoQuest Upgrades its Geological Data Management Services in Association with SABLE Data WorksGeoQuest met à jour ses services de gestion de données géologiques en association avec SABLE Data Works
GeoQuest is pleased to announce that, with a view to improving its exploration / geological data management services, we are now able to provide data capture and data storage utilising ...