Environmental Impact Assessments
Environmental Impact Assessments
An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a systematic processes for identifying, predicting and evaluating the potential impacts (positive and negative) associated with a proposed activity on the environment (biophysical, socio‐economic, and cultural). EIAs are a regulatory requirement for all development activities across all sectors of the economy in Zambia. At GeoQuest we provide consultancy services in two categories of EIAs namely Environmental Project Briefs (EPBs) and Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs).
Environmental Project Briefs
EPBs are EIA reports prepared for projects with very low negative impacts on the environment (First Schedule Activities). GeoQuest provides a comprehensive expert service of the highest quality at competitive rates in undertaking EPBs.
Environmental and Social Impact Assessments
ESIAs are EIA reports prepared for projects or activities likely to have significant negative impacts on the environment (second Schedule Activities). At GeoQuest, we provide a multi-disciplinary team of specialists to guide your project EIA process by providing technical, regulatory, local and international experience tailored to your project’s specific ESIA needs.