GIS / Database Services
GeoQuest is capable of providing GIS Solutions for the integration, management and modelling of both geological and non-geological spatial data including geology, geochemistry, aerial photography and satellite imagery.
GIS services include:
- Historical data retreival
- Data capture (scanning, digitizing, geo-referencing, projection and data transformations)
- Data compilation / intergration and re-interpretation
- Map making (up to AO size)
- New target generation and prioritization
- Ongoing data management and update
Our Data Management Services cover the spectrum from regional grassroots exploration through to resource definition and up to Bankable Feasibility status:
- Database management (sample and resource database management)
- Data Integration from different sources
- Assay management (including loading, processing, validation and reporting)
- Internal audits of existing digital data, recommendations & upgrading to international standards.
- Historic data capture of exploration data for use in GIS or database systems
- Sample tracking and dispatch record monitoring
- Industry standard QA/QC procedures and monitoring.
We can also provide the following to assist with the development of projects as they move to Pre-Feasibility and Bankable Feasibility:
- Resource database management
- Industry standard QA/QC procedures and monitoring.
- Historic deposit data capture, validation, QC and upgrading to current international standards
- Digitizing, wire framing and DTM generation and validation
- Preliminary orebody and geological modeling in conjunction with the clients deemed resource consultants
- Section interpretation and plotting
GeoQuest utilizes the following software:
- ArcView 10
- GeoSoft Target
- MapInfo Professional V12
- Discover
- Leapfrog